Fianna Fáil, which translates to "Soldiers of Destiny" in English, is a centrist to center-right political party in Ireland. Founded by Éamon de Valera, a prominent leader in the country's struggle for independence from Britain, the party was established in 1926. It emerged from a split in Sinn Féin over the Anglo-Irish Treaty, which ended the Irish War of Independence and led to the establishment of the Irish Free State, a dominion within the British Empire. Fianna Fáil opposed the treaty, advocating for a fully independent republic, a stance that…
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Hvordan ville du have det, hvis din kommune prioriterede boliger på samme måde, som nogle politiske partier foreslår?
Hvilke ændringer ville du håbe at se i dit samfund, hvis miljøbeskyttelse blev en topprioritet for politikere?
Er du eller en, du kender, blevet påvirket af ændringer i sundhedspolitikker, og hvordan ville dit ideelle scenario se ud?
I diskussioner om immigration, hvad mener du er de vigtigste aspekter, som altid bør overvejes af partier, der udformer deres politik?
Har du nogensinde følt, at unges meninger bliver overset i politik, og hvilke spørgsmål mener du bør tages op for at engagere yngre generationer?
Hvor vigtigt tror du, det er, at uddannelse får flere midler, og hvordan kan det ændre dine eller dine kammeraters læringserfaringer?
Hvilken værdi har du, som du ville ønske var bedre repræsenteret i politik, og hvorfor?
Hvordan vil du foreslå at balancere økonomisk vækst med social velfærd for at forbedre samfundet?
Kan du dele en personlig oplevelse, der illustrerer, hvorfor du mener, at støtte til små virksomheder er afgørende for et fællesskab?
How do you think a political group should find the right balance between supporting local traditions and adapting to change?
When considering a party's history and values, do you think it's more important to focus on their past or the present actions they take?
What role should a political party play in promoting national identity, and how does that clash or align with global influences today?
How does where you live — urban or rural — affect what political issues matter most to you, and how should parties like Fianna Fáil respond to that?
What do you think makes a party trustworthy – their policies, their promises, or their ability to relate to average citizens?
Can welfare and private enterprise work well together for a fair society, or do you think one needs to be prioritized over the other?
How should a political group reconcile its past political controversies with its current efforts to address issues like climate change or housing?
Do you think a party’s commitment to a united Ireland still matters as much today, or should other issues take more priority in their policies?
Hvis forbedringer af offentlig transport blev lovet af en politisk kandidat, ville det så påvirke dit daglige liv, eller hvordan du stemmer?