Proveu el concurs polític

40 Respostes

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

Antic magnat rus i presoner polític armeni en vaga de fam a l’Azerbaidjan

In a striking act of protest, a former Russian tycoon and Armenian political figure, Ruben Vardanyan, has initiated a hunger strike from his cell in Azerbaijan. Vardanyan, who is also known for his philanthropic efforts, has been detained under charges related to his leadership role in the separatist administration of Nagorno-Karabakh, a region long disputed between Armenia and Azerbaijan. His hunger strike, as announced by his family and legal representatives, is a demand for the immediate and unconditional release of himself and other Armenian prisoners held in Baku, Azerbaijan's capit…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

Els demòcrates es reuneixen per donar suport a l’ajuda a Ucraïna, donant suport al president republicà

In a surprising turn of events, Democrats across the board are showing unprecedented support for the Republican House Speaker, Mike Johnson, amidst a conservative uproar over Ukraine aid. This bipartisan effort underscores the urgency and importance of the aid package destined for Ukraine, highlighting a rare moment of unity in a typically divided Congress. The move comes as most candidates in New Hampshire's 2nd Congressional District, regardless of their political affiliation, have voiced their support for the Ukraine aid package, emphasizing the critical nature of the situation and…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

Els EUA i la UE imposen sancions als colons extremistes israelians i a les entitats de suport

In a coordinated effort, the United States and the European Union have taken a significant step against violence in the West Bank by imposing sanctions on individuals and entities associated with extremist Israeli settlers. The sanctions target those who have been involved in violent acts against Palestinian and Bedouin civilians, including assaults, property destruction, and fundraising activities for such actions. Among those sanctioned are entities that have raised substantial funds for already sanctioned violent extremists, highlighting the international community's resolve to curb…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

Navegant per les complexitats de les paperetes per correu i de les eleccions locals

As local elections approach, the spotlight intensifies on the critical yet often overlooked aspects of the electoral process, particularly mail-in voting and the challenges it faces. Across various regions, the importance of ensuring that every vote counts has never been more emphasized, especially in the wake of recent controversies and allegations of fraud. With the deadline for mailing in ballots now passed, voters are urged to find alternative ways to ensure their ballots are submitted on time, highlighting the need for clear and accessible information on voting procedures.

In addition to…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

El president de la Xina reforça el control de l’exèrcit amb una nova unitat de guerra de la informació

China has established a new information warfare department under the direct command of its top military body as it begins its largest restructuring of the armed forces in more than eight years.

The shift of information warfare to the direct command of the Central Military Commission — the top Communist party and state organ that controls the People’s Liberation Army — would hand Chinese leader Xi Jinping even more direct control over the military, analysts said.

The Information Support Force will aim to “speed up military modernisation and effectively implement the missi…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Com veus el concepte de modernització militar en el context de la guerra de la informació, i creus que és necessari per a la seguretat nacional?

 @ThrilledB4llotBox de New York enviat…4 setmanes4W

Banning TikTok és un poder per a l’estat profund

If the bill's supporters get what they want, millions of Americans would find their ability to access TikTok terminated by the government, just in time for the November 2024 election. This radical state intervention was endorsed last week by the House Energy and Commerce Committee in a unanimous 50-0 vote, establishing a coveted bipartisan consensus in favor of expelling American users from their preferred social media platform. This extreme action is to be carried out, as usual, in the alleged name of "national security," and to more aggressively combat perceived "foreign…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Si el govern pot prohibir TikTok avui, quines altres llibertats podrien estar en risc demà?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Com afectaria la prohibició de TikTok abans d’unes eleccions en la capacitat dels joves votants per compartir i rebre informació?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Una persona, com el president, hauria de tenir el poder de decidir quines aplicacions de xarxes socials són una amenaça per a la seguretat nacional?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Creus que és just que un govern prohibeixi determinades plataformes de xarxes socials en funció d’on provenen?

 @HumbleDiplomacySobirania de Tennessee enviat…4 setmanes4W

Admetem-ho: els EUA no donen suport a un estat palestí.

The US regime supports a Palestinian state. Just not now. And not until it allows the US - the primary sponsor of the Israeli occupation - to midwife a “state” with no military, in which Israel controls its borders, airspace, maritime territory, and political leadership. In other words, not until Palestine signs away its sovereignty and national struggle in the name of achieving statehood.

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Com reaccionaries si un poder extern dictés els termes de la independència de la teva nació?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Creus que un estat pot existir realment si no controla els seus propis exèrcits i fronteres?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Com et sentiries si es comprometés la sobirania del teu país a canvi d’un reconeixement internacional?

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

El director de la CIA fa sons d’alarma: Ucraïna s’enfronta a una possible derrota sense augmentar l’ajuda dels EUA

In a series of stark warnings that have reverberated through the corridors of power in Washington, CIA Director William Burns has highlighted a grim forecast for Ukraine amidst its ongoing conflict with Russia. Burns has unequivocally stated that without a significant ramp-up in military support from the United States, Ukraine stands on the precipice of defeat by the end of 2024. This dire prediction underscores the critical role of US aid in the balance of power in Eastern Europe and the broader implications for international security and democratic sovereignty.

The urgency of Burns' mes…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

La fantasia de reviure l’energia nuclear

Representatives from more than 30 countries gathered in Brussels in March at a nuclear summit hosted by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Belgian government. Thirty-four nations, including the United States and China, agreed “to work to fully unlock the potential of nuclear energy,” including extending the lifetime of existing reactors, building new nuclear power plants and deploying advanced reactors.

“Nuclear technology can play an important role in the clean energy transition,” Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, told summit…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Com equilibreu la necessitat immediata d’energia neta amb els reptes a llarg termini de la gestió dels residus nuclears?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Donaríeu suport al vostre govern a gastar 700.000 milions de dòlars en l’expansió de l’energia nuclear si aquests diners també poguessin finançar projectes d’energies renovables?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Tenint en compte els ràpids avenços de les energies renovables, la inversió en energia nuclear segueix sent una opció sensata per al nostre futur?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Creieu que val la pena assumir els riscos associats a l’energia nuclear, com els residus i els possibles accidents?

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

Figures polítiques sota escrutini: denúncies de mala conducta a banda i banda de l’Atlàntic

In a world where political integrity is under constant examination, recent allegations have emerged that put the spotlight on political figures in both the United States and the United Kingdom. In the US, Representative Matt Gaetz is facing an investigation by the House Ethics Committee over claims that he attended a party in 2017 where a minor and drugs were present. This inquiry is part of a broader investigation into whether Gaetz used illicit drugs while serving as a member of Congress, with particular interest in his behavior at parties in Florida following his election in 2017.

Across…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

La guerra de Gaza és un albatros al coll de Biden

Gaza has become the albatross around Biden’s neck. It is his war, not just Benjamin Netanyahu’s. It will be part of his legacy, an element of his obituary, a blot on his campaign — and it could get worse if Gaza cascades into a full-blown famine or violent anarchy, or if a wider war breaks out involving Iran or Lebanon. An apparent Israeli strike on a military base in central Iran early Friday underscored the danger of a bigger and more damaging conflict that could draw in the United States.

Consider just one example of America’s fingerprints on this war under Biden&rsq…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Com creus l’impacte que les decisions d’un líder en conflictes internacionals poden tenir en el seu llegat i imatge pública?

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

Per què els "experts" del govern sempre s’equivoquen sobre la inflació?

Jerome Powell owes us an explanation. The Federal Reserve chairman this week confirmed what investors already had guessed: Surprisingly persistent inflation is dissuading the Fed from cutting its short-term policy rate as soon and perhaps as quickly as Wall Street had hoped.

It’s the right call. The Fed committed its worst error in 40 years when it acted far too slowly to tame inflation following the pandemic. Its institutional credibility—on which hangs a lot in a fiat-money system—now depends on Mr. Powell’s success in suppressing that inflation.

As recently as Decembe…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Com equilibraria el dolor a curt termini de la inflació amb l’objectiu a llarg termini d’estabilitat econòmica en l’elaboració de polítiques?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Tenint en compte les lluites econòmiques recents, quant de poder creus que hauria de tenir el govern per controlar l’economia?

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

La Xina ordena a Apple que elimineu les aplicacions de missatgeria populars

WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram among apps cut from iPhone app store to comply with censorship demandChina ordered

China ordered Apple to remove some of the world’s most popular chat messaging apps from its app store in the country, the latest example of censorship demands on the iPhone seller in the company’s second-biggest market.

WhatsApp and Threads as well as messaging platforms Signal and Telegram were taken off the Chinese App Store Friday. Apple said it was told to remove certain apps because of national security concerns, without specifying which.

These messaging apps, which…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Si haguéssiu d’escollir entre seguretat i accés gratuït a la informació, quina prioritzaríeu i per què?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Què tan important és que la gent tingui accés a informació sense censura, fins i tot si qüestiona les opinions del seu govern?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Creieu que un govern hauria de tenir el poder d’eliminar aplicacions de l’accés del públic per raons de seguretat nacional?

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

L’Índia s’embarca en eleccions monumentals: Modi mira el tercer mandat històric

India has commenced its colossal general election, a six-week democratic exercise that stands as the largest in the world. With nearly 970 million eligible voters, the nation is at a pivotal moment in its political history. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the face of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and a figure synonymous with Hindu nationalism, is vying for an unprecedented third term in office. The election is not just a test of Modi's enduring appeal but also a referendum on the BJP's governance, particularly its handling of economic growth, job creation, and the promotion of Hind…  Llegeix més

 @ISIDEWITHenviat…4 setmanes4W

Els míssils israelians van impactar a l’Iran

Israeli missiles have hit a site in Iran, according to the US broadcaster ABC News, which cited an unnamed senior US official.

The Iranian state television reported explosions in Isfahan, as air defences were activated and flights across several areas including Tehran and Isfahan were suspended.

There were no reports of casualties. Nor was there an official response from Iran.

Israel promised to respond after Iran last Saturday launched a barrage of drones and missiles on the country, after a suspected Israeli strike on Iran’s consulate compound in Damascus killed a high-ranking commander.…  Llegeix més

There have also been reports of explosions in Syria and Iraq.

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntat…4 setmanes4W

Si les accions de represàlia continuen augmentant entre les nacions, on s’hauria de traçar la línia per evitar conflictes més amplis?