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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...…13hrs13H



 @ISIDEWITH asked…13hrs13H

Should the government increase taxes on private equity executives?


 @PuzzledProgressive from Kansas submitted…3 days3D

Sunak offers tax breaks to landlords

 @SimilarCabinet from Wisconsin submitted…3 days3D

US borrowed $1.2 trillion in past 8 months

 @9P4X3PQ disagreed…15hrs15H

It can be abused. Sitting regime can incentivise new immigrants for their votes, potentially. Lack of knowledge on cultu…

 @9P4X3PQ agreed…15hrs15H…

 @9P4X3PQ disagreed…15hrs15H

The vaccine industry has a history of corruption and massive litigation suits, especially in America. Vaccine mandates p…

 @9P4X3PQ agreed…15hrs15H

Ireland is inherently isolationist as an island state. We were not a rich country outside of the EU but I felt as a chil…

 @9P4BRVM disagreed…21hrs21H

Necessities should not be treated as commodities for profit and their equitable distribution should be facilitated.

 @9P4BRVM answered…21hrs21H

Public transport should be better funded and maintained instead.

 @9P45G2M answered…23hrs23H

No because sanctions don't work. Don't get me wrong, I hate authoritarianism but sanctions help more than hurt those gov…