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 @9NPN9JS answered…8mins8m

We should not treat English as the standard for naturalisation in this country over our own, native language.

 @9NPN4VS answered…13mins13m

The technology isn’t advanced enough currently for the ethical aspects to be questioned. The government should wait unti…

 @9NPMKQB answered…31mins31m

Yes, but require lab-grown meat to be clearly marked as such

 @9NPMCQP answered…38mins38m

Yes as it is for their own benefit, but it should not be forced or timed, and should be offered free or low cost

 @9NPM244 answered…48mins48m

Yes, couples where only one person is a first time buyer should also be able to avail of government provided subsidies

 @9NPL9V9 answered…1hr1H

It should as a part of cultural heritage, but it should not be a requirement for any further education including primary…

 @9NPL9V9 answered…1hr1H

No, but there should be rehabilitation programmes put in place and an understanding of the socio-economic back rounds to…

 @9NPL3KQ answered…1hr1H

Yes but only when it comes to unethical use e.g. pornographic images of people who have not given consent, content inten…

 @9NPKJFH answered…2hrs2H

Justice for all Help those in financial difficulties Free health service and childcare for all

 @9NPJXK4 answered…2hrs2H

Yes, along with improved and mandatory teaching in school on politics/electoral systems etc... from a young age

 @9NPJXK4 answered…2hrs2H

No, but they should be encouraged to undertake English lessons with free language learning courses as part of the citize…

 @9NPJXK4 answered…2hrs2H

Yes, for refugees and asylum seekers and for other foreign nationals who would qualify for welfare under similar circums…

 @9NPJTHL answered…2hrs2H

Yes, but only if it is for someone who is a threat to our country.

 @9NPJLH6 answered…2hrs2H


 @9NPHFBQ answered…3hrs3H

There shouldn't be 'catholic' schools: there shouldn't be schools of ANY faith - keep religion OUT of schools!

 @9NPH4WH answered…3hrs3H

Yes but Irish people should have first priority over immigrants!we ned to look after our own citizens first

 @9NPH4WH answered…3hrs3H

Yea but countries should be able to make their own amendments

 @9NPH4WH answered…3hrs3H

No but more controlled migration and even distribution across countries

 @9NPH4WH answered…3hrs3H

No but we need increase in background checks and regulations

 @9NPGYZW answered…3hrs3H

Fiana Fáil

 @9NPFWRL commented…4hrs4H

Kill The hostages

 @9NPFWRL answered…4hrs4H

No it should be at least 25 to do so as only then do I believe a person is able to understand what decision there making

 @9NPFWRL answered…4hrs4H

As long as the marriage is a religious ceremony I don't see what's wring with it I would absolutely support same sex mar…