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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...…3hrs3H



 @ISIDEWITH asked…10hrs10H

Should global companies like BMW stand firm on human rights issues regardless of cultural backlash or is it more importa…


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…11hrs11H

UK Leaders Clash Over Immigration and Taxes In Debate

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…10hrs10H

BMW Doesn't Change Logo To LGBTQ Colors In Middle East


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…11hrs11H

Europe Falls Behind the U.S. and China

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…12hrs12H

Senate Will Vote On Contraception Bill

 @9NMKNXD answered…10mins10m

Yes, to an extent, funding should be reeduced to allow for unarmed community based traineed responders for non-violent…

 @9NMJGTZ answered…12mins12m

Yes, members of the Northern Irish Assembly at Stormont should be able to represent the same constituencies in the Dáil

 @9NMJGTZ answered…12mins12m

Yes, and the EU should work more closely with the UK’s devolved nations

 @9NMH3VS answered…2hrs2H

Yes, but only to people who’s home value is within an average range

 @9NMGQG2 answered…2hrs2H

We should invest in satellite programmes but make sure to have a focus on the many problems down on our own planet

 @9NMGQG2 answered…2hrs2H

For clearly defined health or lifesyle reasons, yes, but there must be a mechanism to prevent bigatory stances (i.e. ant…

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...…3hrs3H


 @9NM8Z2V agreed…4hrs4H

Personal choices are not for external criticism. Patients are at the core and autonomy should be preserved in cases wher…

 @9NM8Z2V disagreed…4hrs4H

Euthanasia is a personal choice and is always patient centred with the comfort and health of the patient at the core of…

 @9NM8Z2V answered…4hrs4H

I believe in a free Palestine, which requires the restoration of the Palestinian state in full and a total permanent cea…

 @9NM8Z2V answered…4hrs4H

Depending on area, need, and availability for employment then high density residences may be a worthwhile option, howeve…

 @9NM6NWF answered…5hrs5H

Yes in cases where people have displayed reckless driving behaviour

 @9NM4C3K answered…5hrs5H

No but it should be encouraged and have free language learning lessons available for those that want it

 @9NM4C3K answered…5hrs5H

Yes but a sliding scale, the poorest people should get more.

 @9NM4C3K answered…5hrs5H

Yes and we should be investing in green public transport

 @9NM4C3K answered…5hrs5H

Yes but make exemptions for those in rural areas or those in areas without public transport.