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 @9F5WPFPSinn Féinanswered…8mos8MO

Depends on the severity of the crime. If they are for example a repeat murderer, no, but if they are guilty of a "victimless crime" like the use of cannabis, yes.



i believe criminals should have the help they need to better themselves but only if they show effort within the first six months


Yes with the condition that after 5 offences they must demonstrate active efforts they have made to rehabilitate. Rehabilitation programs should be invested in by the state.


Yes if they only did crimes like burglary or car theft. Or manslaughter but that can depend. No if it is for serious crimes like hate crimes, rape, murder, attempted murder. Even if it was a single time, no.


depending on the crime, rapists and murders deserve no help but drug users and shop lifters etc deserve remorce


Sex offenders should not receive free legal aid. It depends on the situation involving other crimes


Yes, but diminishing aid contributions for those with very high conviction counts (>20).


Yes but after a certain amount of crimes they have to pay a certain percentage of the cost

 @8YLXLQPSocial Democratsanswered…2yrs2Y

For non violent crimes then yes repeat offenders be entitled to free legal aid

 @8YCBHMFSinn Féinanswered…2yrs2Y

Assessment of their ability to reform and the addressing of reasons for their criminality should be assessed.


Repeat offenders should not exist. If they commit a crime while on bail or suspended sentence they should be locked up. Free legal aid should be withdrawn after second offence. This is a gravy train for legal representatives who are openly playing the system.

 @8XSVGX7Social Democratsanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but intensive inpatient mental health treatment with social service support should be compulsory after the second crime. Sentencing should increase with each repeat offence and with a third crime,
conscription should be offered as an alternative to prison.


I think they should be given support programs to try prevent further crime. A way out of what they were born into.


I think everyone should be entitled to free legal aid not just repeat offenders

 @9KDZNQBFine Gaelanswered…2mos2MO

Since, sometimes the law can discriminate unfairly against minorities, it is a technical issue waiting for law to catch up with fairness.


It is a case by case situation. If a repeat offender continues to reoffend and appear before the courts, they may be in need of another intervention

 @9JDY4V4Social Democratsanswered…3mos3MO

It depends on what the severity of the crimes and each of their circumstances. Probably should be decided by a judge.

 @9FQF97XSocial Democratsanswered…7mos7MO

Everyone should be entitled to free legal aid regardless of offender status


Yes, but deny if the crime is serious (Rape, murder, Kidnapping, etc)



Discern according to the type of crime, if its violent or theft then limit the amount of times for example


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